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In 2010 Louis was awarded the Leverhulme Scholarship to study sound design at The National Film & Television School where he graduated in 2012. Here he was trained by top mixers and editors and surrounded by inspirational people. It was at NFTS that he honed his skills in the art of storytelling.


Since then he has been working extensively on animation, documentary and fiction projects as well as releasing albums and performing in the UK and Europe. His film work has been screened all over the world and picked up many awards along the way.


Louis is a musician at heart. His expertise in both sound design and music gives him a unique edge. From writing, recording and engineering albums, to standing in a field recording sheep, he is always listening. 


Louis is not afraid to push the boundaries and never loses sight of how film soundtracks and mixes can push an audiences emotions surreptitiously and overtly.


With a mic in his pocket Louis is always recording the world around him and, quite literally lives and breathes sound.


The listening continues……



Louis’ early life was spent playing in orchestras and bands, which taught him the art of listening and rhythm.




© Louis Morand 2024


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